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I Woke Up Like This: Michelle Bridges' sweet school run ritual

By 9Honey|

In our 'I Woke Up Like This' series, 9Honey removes the filters from everyday life and bares all for a much-needed reality check.

Speaking to a range of people กช from faces you know to faces you will want to know กช we tear away the fa?ade of make-up and social media and bring things back to basics with realistic 'I woke up like this' selfies and morning routines.

Today, we're 'waking up' with Michelle Bridges: fitness guru, founder of the 12 Week Body Transformation, author.

Michelle Bridges
Let's 'wake up' with Michelle Bridges! (Supplied)

What time do you wake up?

"I normally walk up around 6:30am. School holidays, a little later."?

How many alarms do you set?

"Always one but sometimes two."

Tea or coffee?


TV or radio, podcast or silence?

"Most of the time I like to put music on but sometimes silence is good."

What do you eat for breakfast?

"My go-to breakfast is a poached egg with avocado on sourdough toast."

How long does it take you to get out the door?

"I have a five-year-old. Need I say any more...?"

Any unusual morning rituals or habits?

"We wake up with cuddles. Every morning,?I try to spend some time sitting with Axel at the breakfast bench. Even if it's just while we eat or have a cuppa and have a chat."??

Michelle Bridges and her son Axel
"Every morning,?I try to spend some time sitting with Axel at the breakfast bench." (Supplied)

What's the one thing you never have time for in the morning?

"I never have time to look at emails or have any work conversations. All of that happens once I've got Axel to school and my workout done.

"I do try to call my mum on the school run and we do a 'hi nanna!' chat, which she loves."

What's the one thing you always do in the morning?

"Wake up Axel with a kiss and a cuddle and an 'I love you'."?

Michelle Bridges has just launched her most recent MB Active range at BIG W - check it out here

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