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Sydney mum's struggle following the stillbirth of her first child

By Jo Abi|

It has been seven-and-a-half years since Ann-Maree Imrie and husband Wade lost their first child, Xavier, and not a day goes by that the Sydney couple doesn't think about their son and what could have been.

"I was talking to a little boy last night who was eight, and I was thinking about Xavier, I was comparing what he was like and thinkin, 'Oh gosh, Xavier would be similar to him," Ann-Marie, 39, tells 9Honey.

It was 2014 when the couple discovered they were expecting their first child. They had fallen pregnant quickly and easily.

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Ann-Marie The Baby Loss Project
Xavier would have been seven-and-a-half years old had he lived. (Instagram)

Then, at the 29-week mark, Ann-Marie says she noticed something felt a little off.

"I noticed the movements had changed, but I didn't worry about it because I could still feel movement," she explained when she first spoke to 9Honey in 2018.

By the next morning, she couldn't feel any movement at all. A subsequent ultrasound eventually confirmed the devastating news: Their baby had died.

"We both just dissolved," she said of that moment.

"Some people go into shock and don't react, but we both just completely dissolved at that point and just cried."

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Ann-Marie The Baby Loss Project
The couple were told their son had died in-utero and he was subsequently stillborn. (Instagram)

The couple stumbled home in shock, and returned to hospital the next day where Ann-Marie was induced and gave birth to their son.

"They placed him on my chest and we got to hold him and kiss him and took photos. Wade's parents came and my mum was there," Ann-Maree said.

Ann-Marie The Baby Loss Project
'He had a tiny bit of bruising on his face and on his belly.' (Instagram)

Two years following the tragedy, the couple welcomed their son Kai, five, and then Jessie, who turns two in August.

Since losing Xavier, Ann-Marie has been working as an ambassador for the Stillbirth Foundation Australia. And this year she has launched The Baby Loss Project which offers training for workplaces when it comes to bereaved parents.

At the time she lost Xavier, she had been working for child cancer charity Canteen and says she was "incredibly supported" by them.

"They were a huge contributor to me rebuilding my confidence and supporting me through those early days of grief," she says.

Ann-Marie The Baby Loss Project
Two years after the tragedy the couple welcomed son Kai. (Instagram)

"They were just really flexible. They told me to take off as much time as I needed.

"I was originally in a social work position working with families who had a child with cancer or who had died from cancer. I knew I was not in a position to support other people.

"So I told them I was officially resigning, that I was going to look for an administration job somewhere and they said they'd hire me to do that at Canteen. They asked how many days I thought I could work and I started out with three. They allowed me to transition slowly to a full-time position.

"They would acknowledge Xavier's birthday, and on days I was swallowed up by grief and couldn't work, they were really understanding."

Ann-Marie The Baby Loss Project
Not long after Jessie came along to complete their family. (Instagram)

The training course teaches workplaces about how to communicate when an employee has lost a child.

"Communication was a huge part of the healing process for me. When I told Canteen I was coming back to work, they communicated what had happened with my permission."

This didn't happen for Wade and he was faced with questions he struggled to answer.

"Communication was a huge part of the healing process for me."

A 2016 study estimated the cost to the economy of stillbirths in Australia will be $681.4 million over five years, with the largest impact on workplaces.

The Stillbirth Foundation Australia commissioned PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to conduct the study.

It found almost $280m would be lost from the economy between 2016 and 2020 because parents who had suffered a stillbirth would be absent from work, or unable to carry out all of their regular duties.

Ann-Marie The Baby Loss Project
The Sydney couple ensure they include Xavier in their family. (Instagram)

While better supporting bereaved parents in the workplace is the compassionate and ethical thing to do, it also makes financial sense for businesses, according to the study.

"There's a bit of a lack of understanding of the life-changing nature of having a stillborn baby or even a miscarriage, it can change the trajectory of people's lives, it has a huge impact," Ann-Marie continues.

The course for Australian workplaces to upskill organisational leaders and their teams on how to support staff members experiencing miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal loss, and ongoing IVF treatment.

Ann-Marie has collaborated and facilitated this program with multiple professionals in the baby loss and HR space to ensure its suitability for organisations of all type and size to benefit from.

Ann-Marie The Baby Loss Project workplace training
Ann-Marie has now launched The Baby Loss Project to train workplaces in child bereavement. (The Baby Loss Project)

"Employers learn how they can support any employee experiencing loss from the get go," she explains. "And then just supporting their transition back into work. It can be really daunting for people if they were pregnant then have to go back to work and face everybody.

"The course teaches about grief and how it may progress over time and how an employee may present, and how they can be supported and encouraged."

Ann-Marie says the feedback from the course so far has been "beautiful" and she is hoping more workplaces take up the training moving forward.

Find out more about The Baby Loss Project by visiting the website.

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